The West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey (WVGS) and the Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey (PGS) make basic data available to the public from their computerized databases on mineral resources under the following conditions:

1. We believe the data in the Appalachian Basin Tight Gas Reservoirs Project web application to have been generated and assembled with a high degree of professionalism, accuracy, and precision for the purposes for which they were originally intended. In this context, "data" refer to numerical and textual data (such as in well data), digital data (such as .las files), digital images (such as digital photographs), scanned records (such as wireline logs), and spatial data (such as shapefiles). Some data have been compiled from other sources and the two agencies accept no responsibility for any inaccuracies in those data. Therefore, we cannot and do not, either implicitly or explicitly, guarantee the accuracy, precision, or completeness of the data.

2. Neither the WVGS and PGS nor their staff members are liable or responsible for any damage or loss resulting from the use of the data or from inaccuracies contained in the data.

3. These data are provided as a service by the two agencies for the purpose of research and development efforts. Final use of these data is the sole responsibility of the user.

4. We encourage users to report any problems, inconsistencies, or errors noted in using these data to the WVGS Information Services Program or the PGS Oil, Gas, and Subsurface Services, so that we can correct them and provide even better service.

West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey - Information Services Program

Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey - Oil, Gas, and Subsurface Services
(412) 442-4235