(data relate to the surface location of a permitted or completed well, or a cancelled permit; 1 record per well)
Field Name | Description | Column Type |
API | API Number | NUMBER(10) |
County | County Name | VARCHAR2(10) |
Permit | Permit Number | NUMBER(5) |
Tax_District | Tax District Name | VARCHAR2(18) |
Quad_75 | 7.5-Minute Quadrangle Name | VARCHAR2(21) |
Quad_15 | 15-Minute Quadrangle Name | VARCHAR2(21) |
Lat_DD | Latitude, Decimal Degrees (NAD83 Datum) | NUMBER(8,6) |
Lon_DD | Longitude, Decimal Degrees (NAD83 Datum) | NUMBER(8,6) |
UTME | UTM Easting (NAD83 Datum) | NUMBER(7,1) |
UTMN | UTM Northing (NAD83 Datum) | NUMBER(8,1) |
Comment | Comment | VARCHAR2(40) |
Page Last Revised: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 2:12:44 PM
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Page created and maintained by: West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey Address: Mont Chateau Research Center 1 Mont Chateau Road Morgantown, WV 26508-8079 Telephone: 1-800-WV-GEOLOgy (1-800-984-3656) or 304-594-2331 FAX: 304-594-2575 Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday
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