PSL Pottsville; Permian, Pennsylvanian, coals
RAV Ravencliff; Princeton, Avis, Mauch Chunk
MAX Maxton/Maxon
BLM Blue Monday; Little Lime, Webster Springs, Pencil Cave
BGL Big Lime; Keener, Union Limestone, Pickaway Limestone
BIJ Big Injun (Greenbrier, Price ("Pocono"), undifferentiated)
SQU Squaw; Maccrady, Upper Squaw, undifferentiated Price ("Pocono") units below the Big Injun
WEI Weir
BER Berea; Coffee Shale, 2nd Berea, Bedford
GTZ Gantz; Fifty-foot, Thirty-foot
GOR Gordon; Gordon Stray, Gordon undifferentiated
FOR Fourth
FIF Fifth
BAY Bayard (Sixth)
SPE Speechley; Upper Speechley, Elizabeth, Warren, Warren 1st, Warren 2nd, Chemung (Greenland Gap)
BAL Balltown
RIL Riley; Bradford, miscellaneous sands between the Riley and Benson
BEN Benson
ALX Alexander; Upper Alexander, Lower Alexander, Leopold, Cedar Creek, miscellaneous sands between the Benson and Brallier
BRL Brallier/Elk; Haverty, Fox
DSH Devonian shale; undifferentiated shale between the Berea and the Huron, Ohio Shale, Huron, Dunkirk, Java, Angola, Rhinestreet, Cashaqua, Geneseo, other black shales, Harrell, Hamilton, Marcellus, Mahantango
ONO Onodaga/Oriskany; Huntersville Chert, Needmore, Helderberg, Onesthequaw Group
WIL Williamsport; Salina
KEE Keefer; Lockport, Rose Hill
TUS Tuscarora; Cacapon Sandstone, Ordovician units, Cambrian units