Geostatistical Projects,
Case Studies, and Publications

Dividing Line


Geostatistical methods have been used at the WVGES for 20 years to compute risk-qualified estimates of natural resources. We use variography, kriging, and conditional simulation in the following areas:

In cooperation with the USDA Forest Service, geostatistical methods have been used in spatial analysis of forest insect pests such as the gypsy moth.

Case Studies

Representative Publications

Additional Data

WVGES Welcome Page

Page last revised: December 7, 2004

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Page created and maintained by:
            West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey
  Address:  Mont Chateau Research Center
            1 Mont Chateau Road
            Morgantown, WV  26508-8079
Telephone:  304-594-2331
      FAX:  304-594-2575
    Hours:  8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday

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