The Devonian Organic-Rich Shales Interactive Map is designed to accompany WVGES Reports of Investigation 35, Lithostratigraphy of Middle and Upper Devonian Organic-Rich Shales in West Virginia. The Interactive Map
provides the ability for users to zoom in for convenience--to read labels and link to additional data. Zooming in produces maps which are not necessarily accurate at large scales given that maps were drawn based on a
state-wide sampling of data. Localized study would be needed to be more certain of the details of any particular area.
Panning: Like with Google Maps, click on the map and while still pressing down on the mouse, move in the direction you want to go. The cursor may change to a
cross with arrows to show that you are in panning mode.
Zooming: There are several options for zooming in and out of a map.
- Use the (+) and (-) signs found on the upper left-hand corner of the map for zooming in and zooming out, respectively -or-
- Hold the SHIFT key down while dragging the mouse to form a rectangle -or-
- If you've been moving around the map for a while, tools may be helpful. On the "Tools" tab found to the left of the map, go to "Navigation" and use
one of the tools to get to the previous or next extents.
Turn Layers Off and On
Within the "Layers" tab area, turn interactive map layers off or on by checking in the square box next to a layer (or folder name). Multiple layers
within a folder can be turned on (or off) by clicking on the square box next to the folder (e.g. clicking the box on beside "Isochore Marcellus Fm
(Net Shale) (Fig 11a)" will turn on the 4 layers within the folder). A "-" sign will minimize the legend or folder contents whereas a
"+" sign will expand to show the legend for a layer or the contents of a folder (including the layers and their legends).
Show Labels
- API numbers will be displayed above and centered over well points at a scale 1:750,000* when the "Study Wells++" layer (in Wells folder) is checked on.
- Cross-section labels are displayed at all scales when the "Middle and Upper Devonian Shale Cross-Sections++" layer (in Cross-Sections folder) is checked on.
- Thickness (and Onondaga+ subsea elevation) well values will be displayed below and to the left of well points at a scale of 1:750,000* when a "Study Wells with ..." layer (in Maps folder) is checked on (e.g. Study
Wells with Marcellus (Net Shale), Study Wells with Onondaga). API numbers from "Study Wells++" can be displayed along with thickness (or subsea elevation).
- Thickness (and Onondaga+ subsea elevation) contour line values will be displayed on contour lines at a scale of 1:750,000* when a "Isochore (Lines, Labels) (or the Onondaga Subsea Elevation (Lines,
Labels))" layer (in Maps folder) is checked on.
- County labels are displayed at all scales when the "Counties (with Labels)" layer (in Basemap folder) is turned on.
*1:750,000 equates, very roughly, to zooming in so that approximately 6 counties are visible.
Get Additional Map Feature Data (e.g. additional data about wells)
Click on a feature (i.e. well or cross-section line) to obtain additional information about the feature and to access any links. It may be best to zoom
into the area of interest first and then click on a feature--that way, the time it takes to retrieve data will be reduced and results will not be overwhelming.
In addition to more detailed data about the feature, wells and cross-sections lines contain links to additional materials. Wells link to the WVGES "pipeline" showing virtually
all non-study data that WVGES has in reference to a particular well**. Cross-section lines link to a .pdf of the cross-section from the study. Pop-ups will need to be permitted from because the information will "pop up" on the map. To close the pop-up window, click on the triangle in the upper right-hand
corner. If you do not obtain layer data as expected, close the pop-up window and then zoom in on the main map to a particular feature and try
**Stratigraphic data in "pipeline" will, quite likely, not align with stratigraphic data from the Middle and Upper Devonian lithostratigraphy study.
"pipeline" data, largely, is as reported by the operator, from many different operators over many years, whereas data from the study in based on analysis of
geophysical well logs taking a comprehensive look at a sampling of wells across the State in a consistent manner.
Access Supplemental Information
Access a stratigraphic chart and the Middle and Upper Devonian lithostratigraphy report by clicking on the "Info" tab to the left of the map and
then by clicking on the item of interest.
Adjust Transparency
Set the transparency for a feature-set (i.e. layer). Use the slider bar under the feature-set in the "Layers" section and move the adjuster (a little "home plate"
symbol) to reduce or increase the feature-set opacity.
Adjust Panes
To see more of the map and less of the left pane, click on the border between the map and the left pane and drag it to the left to expand
the map pane. Do the opposite to see more of the left pane.
In the left panel, click on the "Tools" tab and select "Print." Either click on the "Print" button or on the
drop-down arrow to see selections for size and layout of the map, or if you just want the "raw" map only. The map extent that you are viewing will print
in a PDF that can be saved.