WVGESGeoscience Education in the Mountain State,
CATS Historical Geology, Spring 1999:
Quiz 4


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  1. +6 Identify the three mountain building events of the Paleozoic in North America. Correlate what each have to do with the following rock units in WV:

    a. the 2000+ feet of Martinsburg shale of Ordovician age

    b. the thousands of feet of black (and brown) shales and siltstones of Devonian age

    c. the volcanic ash in the Pennsylvanian coals dated at 311 ± my B.P.

  2. +4 Do we now have Permian age rocks in WV? What evidence would geologists use to prove or disprove the age of the rocks in question?

  3. +5 The more interesting question: did there once exist Permian age sediments in WV? Why would they have been present? What happened to them?

  4. +5 There is evidence of dinosaurs (late Triassic and Jurassic) in MD, PA, and VA. Is it reasonable to assume that they might have also traipsed the landscape that is now WV? Be advised that in each of the states mentioned, the tracks (and a few bones) are found in down-faulted basins east of landscape currently known as the Appalachian Mountains.

  5. +5 So much has been written about the K-T boundary and the potential of a meteorite striking earth in the Yucatan Peninsula. Briefly tell me what you know of the location and evidence and whether you believe it was the single cause for the extinction of dinosaurs.

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