WVGES, Geoscience Education in the Mountain State:
CATS Earth Science Connections III
Environmental Geology Telecourse

Weekly Course Notes: September 24, 2001 (Show 3)


Dr. Deb and Dr. Bob


Dr. Jack and Dr. Bob

Historic Volcanoes With Plinian Eruptions
History (early vulcanologists)

Cenozoic Quaternary unconsolidated material
Igneous intrusives in Pendleton Co; SW PA
Trimble Knob in Monterey, VA (US 220)
Mesozoic Mesozoic-age strata not present in WV
Permian Permian-age strata not present in WV
Pennsylvanian Volcanic ash
Devonian Many volcanic ash layers
Ordovician Volcanic ash
Cambrian Volcanic ash
(the basement rocks in WV)
LATE     Greenstone (metamorphosed basalt) in Western MD


Volcano Web Sites

Dr. Robert Behling (rbehling@wvu.edu)

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Page last revised: October 2001

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            West Virginia Geological & Economic Survey
  Address:  Mont Chateau Research Center
            Cheat Lake exit off I-68
            P.O. Box 879
            Morgantown, WV  26507-0879
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      FAX:  304-594-2575
    Hours:  8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday