WVGES, Geoscience Education in the Mountain State:
CATS Earth Science Connections III
Environmental Geology Telecourse

Weekly Course Notes: December 3, 2001 (Show 10)


Dr. Deb and Dr. Bob


Dr. Jack and Dr. Bob

Sources of Solid Waste

Physical Composition of Municipal Waste

Chemical Composition of Typical Municipal Solid Waste

Final Disposal of Solid Waste in the United States


Tunnel Boring Machine

Cross Section of Tunnel and Emplacement Hole


Typical Canister for High-Level Waste

Holding Tank for Reprocessing Waste

Chemical Equation


The Yucca Mountain Project

Dr. Robert Behling (rbehling@wvu.edu)
Dr. Jack Renton (jrenton@wvu.edu)
Dr. Deb Hemler (dhemler@mail.fscwv.edu)

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Page last revised: December 3, 2001

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