Geoscience Education in the Mountain State:

Dividing Line RockCamp Logo

RockCamp is the dominant vehicle for educational outreach here at the WVGES. Assisted by classroom teachers, the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, the West Virginia Department of Education, and the West Virginia University Department of Geology and Geography cooperate to introduce West Virginia K-12 teachers to the most recent developments in earth science content and earth science teaching strategies. RockCamp began in 1992 with funding supplied by the National Science Foundation and the West Virginia Department of Education. Ongoing support from the West Virginia Legislature and the West Virginia Coal Association allows RockCamp to continue. (Actually the program was originally called "Earth Science in West Virginia for the Twenty First Century" but RockCamp is much more 'way cool'!)
teachers as students

RockCamp provides K-12 teachers with the opportunity to experience thematic and discovery-oriented pedagogy addressing the educational intent of the West Virginia K-12 Science Framework. Each two-week, summer-residency institute provides 20 teachers with the opportunity to experience a hands-on approach to teaching earth science concepts. Participants are asked to use ideas generated by these experiences as gateways for developing activities useful in their classroom-specific settings. RockCamp's goals are to:

folded rocks Every academic year, each RockCamp graduate provides, on average, 107 students with 2 units, 9 lessons, 7 activities, and 36 hours of instruction derived directly from that teacher's RockCamp experience. In addition, each teacher shares materials and ideas with an average of 9 colleagues every school year. This outreach effort has enabled RockCamp graduates to provide new and additional earth science instruction and classroom ideas to thousands of teachers and tens of thousands of students.
Dr. Bob

Providing continued support and encouragement to K-12 teachers is perhaps the most important role of the WVGES Education Outreach Programs. The two weeks spent with each group of teachers should only be the beginning of our commitment to providing them with opportunities and ideas aimed at maintaining their interest in teaching earth science to their students.

For more information, contact Tom Repine, WVGES Education Specialist (repine@wvgs.wvnet.edu)

WVGES Welcome Page  Geoscience Education Introduction

Page last revised: January 5, 2006

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Page created and maintained by:
            West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey
  Address:  Mont Chateau Research Center
            1 Mont Chateau Road
            Morgantown, WV  26508-8079
Telephone:  304-594-2331
      FAX:  304-594-2575
    Hours:  8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday

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