Coal Facts and Figures3 Coal Reserve Summary Original Mineable Reserves = 3,237,869,854 tons Reported Production, 1883-1995 = 58,134,785 tons Estimated Loss = 38,756,523 tons Estimated Recoverable Reserves = 1,884,587,127 tons Coal Production, 1995 Total Production = 4,288,144 tons Production from Underground Mines = 42,973 tons (Number of Underground Mines = 2) Conventional = 0 tons Continuous = 42,973 tons Longwall = 0 tons Other = 0 tons Production from Surface Mines = 4,245,171 tons (Number of Surface Mines = 6) Gas and Oil Facts and Figures4 NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING DATA ARE PRELIMINARY VALUES-- NOT ALL 1995 DATA HAVE BEEN REPORTED AND NOT ALL 1995 DATA HAVE BEEN QUALITY CHECKED. Gas Production, 1995 Total Reported Production = 2,902,392 thousand cubic feet (Mcf) Well Count = 901 Average Production = 3,221.3 Mcf Oil Production, 1995 Total Reported Production = 77,179 barrels (bbl) Well Count = 272 Average Production = 283.7 bbl
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